25+ ideas for retrieval starters

The title of this post should perhaps have been ’25 ideas for retrieval starters that can also be used as plenaries or simply basic lesson activities’ but it was less catchy… The only reason I have specified ‘starters’ is because I personally love to start a lesson with retrieval of previous material. The purpose of …

A quick beginner’s guide to retrieval practice

This post aims to give an introduction to what is meant by ‘retrieval practice’, the theory behind its development and popularity in teaching, and suggestions for further reading. In a nutshell ‘When we think about learning, we typically focus on getting information into students’ heads. What if, instead, we focus on getting information out of students’ heads?’ (Agarwal 2017) This …

4 subscription sites for MFL teaching that are worth every penny

Not only are the following sites great for student engagement, but each of them is, in my humble opinion, well thought-out for language learning. Each one incorporates a multi-skill approach that can be a very effective way to complement your classroom teaching. They can greatly reduce prep time, and in some cases, there is no …

Useful websites for listening materials

As a teacher of French and Spanish, I can recommend the following sites that I have found useful – they offer a mixture of intermediate and advanced level listening practice. Some provide comprehension activities or transcripts. Some are also subscription sites but they offer a certain number of free activities. They can be used: 1. …

9 ways to use Quizlet in MFL teaching

9 ways to use Quizlet in MFL teaching Before we jump in, here is a brief intro to Quizlet which you can skip over if you’re already well acquainted with it… What is Quizlet? Quizlet is a popular website and app for any device to access and practise ‘study sets’ on ‘every conceivable subject and …